Polytechnic of Leiria Earns Top Accreditation in Institutional Evaluation
In a significant achievement, the Polytechinic of Leiria has secured the highest accreditation rating, receiving a six-year recommendation from the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES). This accolade comes as a result of the recent Institutional Evaluation Process (AINST 2022), carried out by the External Evaluation Commission (CAE).
The institution’s outstanding performance across various aspects, including educational offerings, teaching methodologies, quality assurance, research, and mobility, was highlighted in the CAE report. The accreditation, valid for the maximum legal period, reflects the commitment to continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence in the institution’s pedagogical, scientific, and cultural initiatives.
Carlos Rabadão, President of the Polytechnic of Leiria, expressed his satisfaction, stating, “This official certification is a recognition of the high degree of quality in the institutional performance of the Institute. It validates the effort and dedication of all parties involved in shaping the institution’s trajectory in line with the evolving landscape of higher education.”
The evaluation process covered a comprehensive range of topics, assessing the institution’s strategy, governance, teaching methods, research, internationalization efforts, and resources. The report also commended the relevance and ambition of the Polytechnic of Leiria’s chosen theme, advocating its evolution into a university.

The accreditation process involved the submission of the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report and an institutional visit by the CAE to engage with various stakeholders. The theme selected by the institution, focusing on enhancing regional value through higher education, research, and global impact, was recognized as both relevant and ambitious.
The Polytechnic of Leiria’s successful accreditation is not only a testament to its current excellence but also a stepping stone towards its goal of evolving into a university, contributing to increased social relevance and recognized opportunities for advanced training in Portugal and Europe.
This achievement positions the Polytechnic of Leiria as a beacon of quality in higher education, aligning with national and international standards. The institution’s commitment to excellence and forward-thinking vision sets a benchmark for educational institutions across the region.