The institution achieved Level I certification, the highest of this award.
Polytechnic University of Leiria Recognized with Healthy Workplaces Award – Healthy Workplaces
The Polytechnic University of Leiria has been recognized with the 2024 Healthy Workplaces Award – Healthy Workplaces, at a ceremony held at the Salão Nobre of the Ministry of Finance in Lisbon on May 22nd. The higher education institution achieved Level I certification, the highest of this award, awarded to entities scoring over 90% in the total evaluation process conducted by the jury, consisting of two representatives from the Portuguese Psychologists Order, two representatives from the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT), and a panel of experts designated in this field.
“The awarding of this prize recognizes the work being promoted by Polytechnic of Leiria, not only for students but also for our lecturers, researchers, and staff across different academic units and services. Every day, we strive to develop and implement various initiatives, actions, and best practices that contribute to balance and harmony between study/work and relaxation moments, promoting well-being throughout the community,” said Carlos Rabadão, President of Polytechnic University of Leiria.
Recognizing Portuguese organizations with management practices that promote workplace safety, well-being, and health is one of the objectives of this initiative, promoted by the Portuguese Psychologists Order in partnership with ACT and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). By highlighting these cases of excellence, the aim is to stimulate the development of transformative actions within the Portuguese organizational fabric, promoting the widespread adoption of best practices.
The awarding of this certification follows an application submitted by the Polytechnic University of Leiria in February, with the institution evaluated based on its strategies and actions regarding workplace safety, health, and well-being, using a checklist of best practices and compliance with program requirements.

As for the best practices aimed at the Polytechnic University of Leiria community in 2023/2024, focusing on students, notable programs include the “Cuida-te + Mobile Unit Program”; the “Cuida-te + Sexuality Online Program”; the “(H)altere! Project”; the “Welcome and Integration Program for students according to the Ubuntu Methodology”, aimed at developing socio-emotional skills, including “Ubuntu Circles”; the “My Way Program”; the “IPL Saúda(e) Migrants Program”; and a protocol with the Local Health Unit of the Leiria Region focusing on mental health.
Regarding actions targeting Polytechnic University of Leiria staff, noteworthy initiatives include bolstering the occupational health team with two occupational health nurses and implementing nursing consultations, the Saudavelmente project, the Healthy Campus program, team-building activities for all employees, training sessions in first aid and crisis intervention in mental health, as well as assessing psychosocial risks in the workplace for staff. The Polytechnic University of Leiria also provides its academic community with a reporting channel for reporting illegal practices.