politécnico de leiria
School of Education and Social Sciences (ESECS)
The School of Education and Social Sciences is one of the most attractive schools of Politécnico de Leiria, offering a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, and attracting more than 2000 students every academic year. Internationally, the school actively cooperates with our European Higher Education partners, but also further away with institutions from Portuguese Speaking African countries, Brazil and China.
Located in Campus 1, in the city centre of Leiria, ESECS has three teaching buildings with classrooms, laboratories (multimedia, languages, sciences and mathematics), study rooms, and a sports hall. It hosts the Centre for Chinese Language and Culture, the Centre for Digital Inclusion, and the “IPlay” Radio and studios for audio-visual works.

Pedro Gil Frade Morouço
School of Technology and Management (ESTG)
Founded in 1989, the School of Technology and Management attracts around 5,000 students every academic year to study in the fields of engineering, technology, management, public administration, and legal sciences. The school’s purpose is to provide research and education that combines academic excellence with a positive impact on people, business and society. To promote knowledge and ideas exchange, it develops many community-related activities, which has been increasing entrepreneurship and the employment rate in the region.
ESTG is recognised as a Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle and Edunet academy. In partnership with many national and international economic actors, the school is driven by the values of sustainable development and social responsibility.

Carlos Alexandre Bento Capela
School of Arts and Design (ESAD.CR)
The School of Arts and Design is nationally and internationally recognised for its creative teaching methodologies and applied research. Founded in 1988, this school attracts students from all over the world every academic year. ESAD.CR has been awarded more than 250 national and international prizes. It currently has around 1600 students and over 130 experienced teaching staff, who have been internationally distinguished in the most wide-ranging creative areas.
Located in Campus 3, in the city of Caldas da Rainha, an important centre for ceramic production, the school’s main building has studio spaces and workshops, being one of the most unique and complete national projects of artistic education. The campus is composed of four spacious and well-equipped buildings, set between oaks and pines.
With well-equipped labs and workshops, students and researchers can access technologies ranging from analogue photography, printmaking, silk-screening, ceramic, wood and metal to digital video and photography, sound, digital Printing, prototyping and 3D printing or multimedia.

Cláudia Alexandra da Cunha Pernencar
School of Tourism and Maritime Technology (ESTM)
The School of Tourism and Maritime Technology’s purpose is to create a Higher Education school of reference in the field of tourism, especially coastal and maritime tourism. Campus 4 is a privileged study and research spot, located in the city of Peniche, where students and researchers can face the Atlantic Ocean and the Berlengas Natural Reserve.
Founded in 1999, the ESTM uses advanced teaching and research methodologies with more than 1,300 students. Our 6 tourism degrees have all been awarded the quality certification TEDQUAL (Quality Assurance for Tourism Education, Training and Research Programmes) by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Sérgio Miguel Franco Martins Leandro
School of Health Sciences (ESSLei)
The School of Health Sciences was the first Higher Education institution established in the region of Leiria, back in 1973, when it only taught Nursing. In 2001, it joined Politécnico de Leiria, and its academic and research subjects and activities widened to cover other essential health sciences.
Located in Campus 2, in the city centre of Leiria, ESSLei has more than 1200 students. The school’s estates and facilities include a teaching building with classrooms, training labs (physiotherapy, electrotherapy, assisted bath, maternal and child health, nursing techniques, adapted apartment, anatomy, basic physics) and a conference room.
We provide our students with real-life learning activities to equip them with the best knowledge possible. The relationship between ESSLei’s researchers, lecturers and local, regional and national healthcare services is also strongly promoted.

Rui Fonseca-Pinto
Distance Learning Unit (UED) _ Pedagogical Innovation Centre
Director PhD Susana Alexandre dos Reis
Pedagogical innovation has been a priority at the Polytechnic of Leiria, providing teachers, through the Pedagogical Innovation Center (CIP), with pedagogical training and other initiatives that allow the implementation of more creative, innovative and inclusive learning contexts. CIP is made up of a highly specialized team that has focused on diverse and current training following the main trends and challenges in Higher Education.
For more information: suporte.cip@ipleiria.pt
- Promote teacher training courses using innovative in-person and distance learning techniques, based on technology and knowledge-sharing.
- Coordinate all distance learning projects of Politécnico de Leiria.
- Promote research, development and innovation in the field of new teaching practices and distance learning education.
- Meet the learning needs of the public
- Reach new publics
- Educate people on every stage of their life
- Expand and diversify the courses available
- Contribute to the professional development of the teaching staff
- Complement in-person learning activities
- Increase research, development and innovation in the field of distance learning education
Research Centres
Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development (CDRSP)
Director: PhD Rui Miguel Barreiros Ruben
The Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development is a national and world leader in Multiscale Direct Digital Manufacturing based on Additive Manufacturing research. It produces scientific and technological knowledge in the product development industry and promotes training and consultancy actions in strategic areas of product development. Their strategic research programme aims to strengthen the centre’s leading position nationally and internationally, moving towards the fully integrated concept of added-value manufacturing.
Their research results lead to new products, materials and processes that are more appropriate, effective and efficient for the industry. It also raises awareness of the importance of investing in rapid and sustainable product development in society. Although the centre’s main research theme is mechanical engineering, especially applied to tech products development research, and always considering sustainable and efficient products, materials and processes, the research team comprises researchers from different scientific backgrounds.
Knowledge Exchange Units
Centre for Knowledge Sharing and Valorisation (CPVC)
Director: PhD Nuno Miguel Castanheira Almeida
The Centre for Knowledge Sharing and Valorisation helps businesses, start-up companies and organisations grow by promoting technology and knowledge exchange. They can access a broad range of support programmes based on the knowledge and expertise available within Politécnico de Leiria. The centre has partnerships with business incubators, such as IDD, OPEN, Startup Leiria and Obitec, which support businesses online and in-person.
Student Services
Social Services (SAS)
Administrator Dra. Cláudia Andreia Cunha Belém Toneca
The Politécnico de Leiria’s Social Services are responsible for ensuring all students have equal opportunities when it comes to admission, attendance to classes and activities and achievement of academic success. They promote academic success, students’ wellbeing and the reduction of economic and social barriers that lead to inequality.
The Social Services can support students directly, with scholarships and emergency funding, and indirectly, by offering food, accommodation, medical services, cultural and sport activities and other education support. This support is also available for students with special educational needs and disabilities.
Student Support Services
Director PhD Eva Patrícia da Silva Guilherme Menino
The Student Support Services work towards achieving students’ academic success and apply measures to prevent increasing the dropout rate. Their field of work is divided into three domains: academic and vocational guidance, personal and interpersonal guidance, and therapy and psychological support.
These services are also available for international students, who can specifically suffer from homesickness, characterized by some anxiety and light depressive symptoms.
Administrative Units
Legal Services
Director Ana Raquel Vala (dsj@ipleiria.pt)
The Legal Services support our governing bodies and schools in legal and punishment matters.
Strategic Planning Services
The Strategic Planning Services support the governing bodies of Politécnico de Leiria and its schools in designing and organising strategic activities. It is divided into 3 offices: Consultancy and Strategic Planning Office, Methods and Organisation Office, and Projects Office.
Consultancy and Strategic Planning Office (GPLAN)
Responsible Sofia Alexandra Ferreira da Conceição e Sousa gabinete.planeamento@ipleiria.pt
The Consultancy and Strategic Planning Office advises the president and the governing bodies of Politécnico de Leiria in the areas of strategic planning and development, providing them with knowledge, information and consultancy services.
It collects, analyses, updates and publishes data about the management and development of Politécnico de Leiria, helping the President and governing bodies make decisions in accordance with their strategy and ambitions.
Projects Office (GPROJ)
Responsible Márcia Daniela de Sousa Gomes
The Projects Office is responsible for encouraging teaching staff to participate in national and internationally sponsored projects.
It searches for funding schemes and projects opportunities and promotes them within the academic community, looks after partnerships, and helps Politécnico de Leiria in the application process.
Financial Services
Director (Updating)
The Financial Services provide high quality financial and property management, administration and support services, ensuring financial compliance and accountability. They are divided into 6 departments:
- Accountability Department (dsf.scont@ipleiria.pt)
- Financial and budget management Department (dsf.sgfo@ipleiria.pt)
- Projects Financial Management Department (dsf.sgfp@ipleiria.pt)
- Procurement Department (dsf.sap@ipleiria.pt)
- Property Department (dsf.spat@ipleiria.pt)
- Treasury Department (dsf.tesouraria@ipleiria.pt).
Academic Services
Director Isabel Maria Paraíso Faria Lopes
The Academic Services deal with students’ issues, such as fees, enrolment and registration, and others related to their academic life.
Students can contact the Academic Services directly.
Director PhD Romain Gillan
Each school of Politécnico de Leiria has its own library with its own collection of books and journals.
Although they are geographically separated from each other, they are managed as one.
IT Services
Director Luís Eduardo Rodrigues Cachulo
The IT Services provide digital and technology services and support to students, lecturers and professional services staff, and maintain our hardware and information and communication systems. The academic community can access several computer rooms, free internet and web services on every campus and hall of residence, an email and IT account, print, copy, scan and data and file storage services. Visitors (from the Project e-U) from other Higher Education institutions can also access free internet on campus.
Human Resources Department
Director Ana Paula Lopes
The Human Resources Department recruit, hire, onboard, train, and fire employees and administrate their benefits. It is composed of 3 divisions: Recruitment Process Division, Hiring Division, Human Resources Support Division.
Infrastructure Services
Director Joaquim Santos
The Infrastructure Services manages buildings construction projects and ensures workplace health, hygiene and safety measures are put in place. Located in Campus 1 (Central Services), it is divided into 3 divisions: Construction Division, Preservation Division, and Health, Hygiene and Safety Division.
Communication and International Relations Division
Director Alexandre Miguel Santos Soares (gic@ipleiria.pt)
The Communication and International Relations Division manages the Politécnico de Leiria’s internal and external, including international, image and communication activities, works as media liaison and spokesperson, and deals with any question related to international mobility and cooperation.
It is divided into 3 offices:
- Image and Communication Office (gic@ipleiria.pt)
- International Mobility and Cooperation Office (gmci@ipleiria.pt)
- International Marketing Office (estudante.internacional@ipleiria.pt)
Internal Audit Office
The Internal Audit Office delivers scheduled audits and ad-hoc reviews across a range of the Politécnico de Leiria’s operational activities. This includes audits of financial systems and controls, and other non-financial areas, such as information management. This unit is impartial and independent in order to effectively investigate fraud and irregularity.
Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Department
The Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Department evaluates study programmes, certifying they meet formal standards and can be accredited by national and international officials. It is responsible for monitoring learning and teaching quality and contributing to its enhancement
Enquiries and Records Department
The Enquiries and Records Department provide a high-quality in-person, online and email reception service, and save the records of Politécnico de Leiria. They are divided into the Enquiries Division and the Records Division.
Personal Data Protection Office
The Personal Data Protection Department controls how data is collected and used within the institution and ensures that the laws protecting individuals’ personal data are applied.
Information Security Office
Responsible Luís Eduardo Rodrigues Cachulo
The Information Security Department prevents intentional and accidental unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information.
President’s Office
Rosária Maria Vieira Narciso das Neves | Isabel Maria Alves Romeiro Estrela
The President’s Office provides administrative and secretariat support for the President which includes the management of their diary.