Politécnico de Leiria
Welcome to Polytechnic University of Leiria’s platform for compliments, improvement suggestions and complaints.
Compliments / Suggestions
If you have compliments or improvement suggestions, please send an email to: ipleiria@ipleiria.pt
If you wish to make a complaint, please send an email to: reclamacao@ipleiria.pt
Internal Reporting Channel
Through the Internal Reporting Channel, it is possible to report practices considered illegal within our institution, guaranteed the confidentiality of the information and the identity or anonymity of the whistleblowers. It will be also guaranteed the confidentiality of the identity of third parties mentioned during all process.
To submit reports or to check the status of a report, please go to Reporting Channel.

You can consult the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria’s Privacy Policy in www.ipleiria.pt/en/privacy/policy