Innovation in Food Systems and Nutrition

Innovation in Food Systems and Nutrition

Course Type:
Master’s Programme

Programme Introduction

The Master in Innovation in Food Systems and Nutrition aims to enable students to understand the importance of innovation in nutrition, recognising them as determining factors for professional growth and development.

In addition, the master’s programme aims to empower professionals with differentiating tools, through the acquisition of skills in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and marketing, for example, which enable the development of innovative and effective approaches to global problems in public health and nutrition. From the challenges associated with sustainable food production, to developing new (nutritionally balanced) food products, promoting health literacy and nutrition literacy, to nutritional intervention in a global context marked by the high costs (personal, social and economic) associated with chronic non-communicable diseases, students will develop skills, including their ability to critically analyse these challenges, combining research with the development of innovative solutions.

Programme Coordinator





English, Portuguese


Distance Learning


2 years


General and International contingent: 25


DGES certification


  • Relating health and nutrition literacy with health status;
  • Identify the nutritional characteristics of foods and health effects;
  • Recognize the impact of cognitive, social and cultural factors on food consumption;
  • Personalize nutritional intervention;
  • Apply advances in scientific knowledge about the effect of diets on health promotion;
  • Interpret legislation applied to the food sector;
  • Recognize the importance of sustainability in food systems;
  • Develop new healthy food products;
  • Apply nutritional marketing strategies;
  • Identify opportunities for applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT);
  • Planning the organization of a smart food service;
  • Prepare a business plan;
  • Develop a research project that integrates innovation in nutrition;
  • Develop a dissertation that contributes to science;
  • Search and critically analyze information, work autonomously and collaboratively.

Study Plan

ECTS: 120

Entry Requirements

  1. Holders of a Bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent in Dietetics and Nutrition, Nutritional Sciences and related areas awarded by a national higher education institution;
  2. Holders of a foreign higher academic degree, or legal equivalent, in Dietetics and Nutrition, Nutrition Sciences and related areas awarded following a 1st cycle of studies organized in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adherent to this Process;
  3. Holders of a national and foreign higher academic degree, which is recognized by the Technical-Scientific Council (TSC) of the School of Health Sciences (ESSLei) of the Instituto Politécnico de Leiria as satisfying the objectives of the Bachelor’s degree in Dietetics and Nutrition or in related areas;
  4. Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, which is recognized by the TSC of the ESSLei as attesting the ability to carry out this cycle of studies.

More information in International Students / Master´s Applications


State: Accredited
N. years of accreditation: 3
Publication date: 31/07/2024
A3ES Accreditation

More Information

The master’s programme in Innovation in Food Systems and Nutrition has a strong distance learning component, with face-to-face activities at the end of the 2nd semester of the 1st year, including seminars, laboratory activities, study visits and fieldwork.

For further information or clarification, please contact:
Vânia Sofia Ribeiro

Online Application

Use the button bellow to start your application.

Application Fee


Enrolment Fee

General contingent: 50€
International student contingent: 100€

Tuition Fee

General contingent: 1140€
International student contingent: 3000€