Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Course Type:
Master’s Programme

Course Introduction

This programme aims, primarily, to provide advanced applied knowledge in professional subjects that assume strategic importance for the country and the region. Accordingly, the objectives include the acquisition, by students, of theoretical knowledge and the necessary skills for its application in the fields of Electronics and Telecommunications, or Energy and Automation. The course also aims to enable holders of an Electrical Engineering degree to carry on their studies by allowing the specialization and technical/scientific updating of professionals.

Course Administrator

Paula Sofia Pita da Silva e Castro Vide

Course reference



Technology and Management


4 Semesters

Numerus clausus

General and International student contingent: 35


Edital 2025 2v
Edital 2025 2v (PT Doc)

DGES registration



The programme aims to actively contribute to promote national technological development and enhance added value in the country’s and region’s industry, through the development of projects, dissertations and industrial placements in companies and R&D institutions.

Study Plan

ECTS: 120

Application Requirements

People who can apply to the Master’s Degree:

  1. Holders of an undergraduate degree or a legal equivalent in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Communication Networks Engineering, and related fields;
  2. Holders of a foreign higher education diploma, granted after a first cycle of studies, under the principles of the Bologna Process, by a State, which has subscribed this Process, in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Communication Networks Engineering, and related fields;
  3. Holders of a foreign higher education diploma that is recognized as meeting the objectives of an undergraduate degree by the Technical and Scientific Council of the School of Technology and Management, in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Communication Networks Engineering, and related fields;
  4. Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as certifying the skills to attend this cycle of studies by the Technical and Scientific Council of the School of Technology and Management.



State: Accredited
Number of years of accreditation: 6
Publication date: 23/01/2020

A3ES Accreditation

More Information

E-mail: studywithus@ipleiria.pt

Application Fee


Enrollment Fee

General contingent: 50€
International student contingent: 100€

Tuition Fee

General contingent: 697 €
International student contingent: 3000€