Medical-Surgical Nursing – Area in Nursing to the Person in Critical Condition

Medical-Surgical Nursing – Area in Nursing to the Person in Critical Condition

Course Type:
Master’s Programme

Programme Introduction

This Master is awarded to the student who demonstrates:

  • Care for people in an emergent critical condition;
  • Manage the administration of treatment protocols;
  • Manage the interpersonal communication that underlies the therapeutic relationship with a person/family regarding the high complexity situation of their health condition;
  • Does the management of differentiated pain and well-being of the person in critical condition;
  • Design, in conjunction with the strategic level, disaster or emergency plans;
  • Plan the specific response to persons in an emergency situation or a multi-victim disaster;
  • Design a prevention and infection control plan;
  • Displays the ability to review and critical analysis, ability to autonomous organization and planning with a view to solving problems in new situations, ability to research and application of concepts to the practice, planning and time management, ability to teamwork,ethical behavior, motivation and initiative.

Programme Coordinator

Maria dos Anjos Coelho Rodrigues Dixe








3 semesters


General and International student contingent: 25


Edital 2025 (PT Doc)

DGES certification


  1. Acquire scientific knowledge in the field of nursing for people in critical situations;
  2. Develop specialized nursing interventions for medium and high risk patients, integrating the family in the healthteam;
  3. To take care of the person and the family experiencing complex processes of critical illness and/or organ failure;
  4. Dynamize the response in emergency, exception and catastrophe situations;
  5. Maximize the prevention, intervention and control of infection and antimicrobial resistance in the person in criticalcondition and/or organ failure;
  6. Stimulate the construction and diffusion of knowledge in the area of nursing to the person in critical situation;
  7. Promote the capacity to make ethical decisions;
  8. Stimulate change and innovation processes in the light of scientific knowledge and research;
  9. Know the strategies and the importance in the management of resources in the provision of care;
  10. Develop skills for the organization and evaluation of Nursing care.

Study Plan

ECTS: 90

Entry Requirements

Entry and admission requirements:

  • Holders of a bachelor’s degree in nursing, or legal equivalent;
  • The holders of the foreign higher academic degree, conferred following a 1st cycle of studies in Nursing, organized according to the principles of the Bologna process by a state that adheres to this process;
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree or those with a scientific or professional curriculum who have their respective degree/curriculum previously recognized by the ESSLei’s (School of health Sciences-Polytechinc of leiria) Technical-Scientific Council (according to the terms of Article 17.º of Decree-Law N.º 74/2006, of March 24, asamended). This recognition is only valid for the access to the study cycle leading to the master’s degree, and does notgrant the holder the equivalence to the degree of first degree course or the recognition of that degree.


State: Accredited
Number of years of accreditation: 6
Publication date: 20/05/2022

A3ES Accreditation

More Information



Online Application

Use the button bellow to start your application.

Application Fee


Enrolment Fee

General contingent: 50 €
International student contingent: 100 €

Tuition Fee

General contingent 2.000 €
International student contingen 3.000 €