Sustainable Development Goals
Social Responsability
In compliance with the Politécnico de Leiria’s Strategic Plan, our governing and management bodies are committed to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through education.
Reducing our environmental impact is at the strategic heart of everything we do.
We understand that we are educating future leaders, professionals and citizens, who will have to work on or solve urgent societal challenges.
That’s why we promote sustainable and conscious behaviours and work responsibly and ethically within all three realms of sustainable development: environmental protection, economic performance, and social cohesion.

Environmental protection: we’re a responsible higher education institution, as demonstrated in the policies we use every day: carbon emissions and waste reduction and sustainable awareness and education promotion.
Social cohesion: we’re a civic organisation and our research projects and knowledge affect the community that surrounds us. We engage with the population of the region of Leiria in sports, social, and cultural events.
Economic performance: we’re contributing to the economic development of the region of Leiria, building partnerships and collaborative projects with businesses and organisations and promoting an efficient and sustainable use of natural resources.
Politécnico de Leiria
Sustainable Campus Network
We’re part of the Sustainable Campus Network (Rede Campus Sustentável, in Portuguese), a network composed of 29 Portuguese higher education institutions committed to building more sustainable organisations.