Study Abroad

International mobility

Study Abroad

Studying in another country is an amazing opportunity to develop your language and interpersonal skills, increase your level of independence and confidence, and open up your job prospects.

It will have a tremendously positive impact on your future career, as you’ll be part of a global network of international students.

By going abroad, you’ll:

  • develop your language skills
  • meet people form all around the world
  • get a global mindset.

what you should know

Studying abroad during the pandemic

You may need to return it. Please contact the Politécnico de Leiria’s International Mobility and Cooperation Office to ensure everything is fine regarding your Erasmus+ scholarship.

You may need to return it and receive another financial support. Please contact the Politécnico de Leiria’s International Mobility and Cooperation Office to ensure everything is fine regarding your Erasmus+ scholarship.

You’ll need to start a new internship process. Please get in touch with your programme coordinator.

If the rules of your programme say that you can be reimbursed for your flight and accommodation expenses, then you can request a refund. Please contact the Politécnico de Leiria’s International Mobility and Cooperation Office.

You should contact your programme coordinator, your higher education institution and the university you were planning on going to.

You can extend that period to 18 months, starting from the date you’ve concluded your degree.

Erasmus+ Programme

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe.

It has already allowed more than 4 million European citizens to study, intern, or volunteer abroad in the EU.

Erasmus+ 2025/2026

Applications are open until February, 14th 2025.

European Union

To support those who are travelling within the EU during the pandemic, the EU has created an online platform that provides information on the various measures in place, including on quarantine and testing requirements for travellers, the EU Digital COVID certificate to help you exercise your right to free movement, and mobile coronavirus contact tracing and warning apps.

Erasmus – Students with Special Educational Needs

Politécnico de Leiria works towards the complete inclusion of students with special educational needs in higher education both in their country and abroad.

Erasmus Application Form – Students with Special Educational Needs

Students and staff with physical, mental or health-related conditions can benefit from the support services that the receiving institution offers to its local students and staff. See how you can feel included during an Erasmus+ programme.

Erasmus documents

international mobility

Contact us

International Mobility and Cooperation Office . Headquarters . Leiria  

School of Social Sciences and Education . ESECS . Leiria

School of Technology and Management . ESTG . Leiria

School of Arts and Design . ESAD.CR . Caldas da Rainha

School of Tourism and Maritime Technology . ESTM . Peniche

School of Health Sciences . ESSLei . Leiria

ERASMUS programmes


Bachelor’s and master’s programmes students of Politécnico de Leiria.

Students with an ongoing or already finished disciplinary statement;  

Students with delayed tuition fees.

The exchange can take 3-12 months in each cycle of studies (TeSP, Bachelor and Master).

The application should be sent to the Politécnico de Leiria’s International cooperation and Mobility Office. Students who wish to pursue mobility, either during the programme must fill in the Learning Agreement together with the course coordinator. Once the student confirms the intention to participate in the mobility programme, he/she will receive a GMCI e-mail with the list of documents to deliver as well as the procedures to follow to formalize the process. Be aware that partner institutions have a nomination deadline. Please visit the host institution’s website.

The Learning Agreement (LA), or study plan is a document that identifies the curricular units that the student intends to pursue in the partner institution and that will have equivalence once the mobility is concluded. The document is available online, The LA must be completed with the guidance of the course coordinator and subsequently signed by both parties and delivered to the GMCI: If the student wants to change the initial LA, he/she must do so by following the right documents available online. These changes should occur under the coordinator’s knowledge and within 30 days of the start date of classes at the host institution.

Learning Agreement; Copy of the Identification Card (ID) Bank account identification number (IBAN); Copy of the Health Insurance Card. All Students who travel abroad should apply for the European Health Insurance Card, at your home town Social Security office, at “Loja do Cidadão” or online. This card is free of charge and can be used for medical assistance in cases of accident or sudden illness. You can get more information here It is recommended but not required, that Students acquire travel insurance in addition to the document indicated above, should they need continued medical care. The student must sign a contract that allows him/her to enjoy the Erasmus student status, and this independently on whether the scholarship is granted. If this document is not available before the student leaves, should be signed after his/her returns with the date of transfer of the grant (when applicable). At the end of the mobility programme, the student must present a Letter of Confirmation, a document showing the start and end dates of the mobility programme. This should be signed and stamped by the International Relations office of the host institution.

Upon reception of the Transcript of Records, the GMCI sends it to the home institution, along with a copy of the LA, or in some cases, with the documents with the changes to the LA. The School sends to the GMCI a statement with the final grades obtained by equivalence. Any claim in assigning final grades, when they concern the transposition of grades between two countries should l be addressed to the academic services of the respective School. Il the students receives the Transcript of Records directly, he /she should always deliver it at the GMCI. If the Transcript of Records is delivered directly to the student upon his/her return, he/she should hand it to the GMCI which will then forward it to the appropriate School. The Student Erasmus Final Report is required, purely for statistical purposes, and is available online to the student by the National Agency.

Being an Erasmus + student does not necessarily mean that you will receive a mobility grant. Nevertheless, if the student is selected he/she can receive an Erasmus scholarship that will cover the difference of level of life between his/her country and the host country.

The value of the scholarship varies with the host country and the length of the stay. All practical matters such as travel and accommodation, are the student’s responsibility. The Erasmus + mobility programme is funded by the European Commission and by the National Agency. The GMCI has 30 days to issue the Erasmus grants, once the contract is signed; however, the payment of scholarships depends on the transfer of funds by the National Agency.

An initial transfer of 80% will be made and at the end of the mobility programme and upon delivery of the final documents, Letter of Confirmation and Student Report, the payment of the remaining 20% will be made. The number of scholarships to be awarded is not known from the outset, and funds assigned vary from year to year. In any case, each of our programmes will have at least 2 scholarships.

However, during the financial year, funds may be redistributed and channelled to the Erasmus + scholarships. Hence, more students may end up receiving scholarships in the case of funds redistribution, an addendum to the Erasmus contract with the respective amount is issued, which must be signed by the student and the Institutional Coordinator.

You’ll need to return your grant if:

  • You drop-out due to reasons of your own responsibility;
  • You behave in a disrepectful way and do not honour the name of Politécnico de Leiria;
  • Or any curricular unit is completed with success.

While at the host institution, the student should strive to develop their education, attend all classes and seminars, be motivated and have knowledge of the languages needed for mobility, besides behaving in a way that honours Politécnico de Leiria.

More information

study abroad

Vasco da Gama Programme

The Vasco da Gama Programme is a national scheme that promotes student mobility within Portuguese polytechnic higher education institutions.

If you’re interested in studying or interning in another polytechnic institution in Portugal during your studies, you can apply for a minimum of three months and a maximum of one year mobility programme.

Vasco da Gama Programme Regulation

Application Form

Study Programme

Apply by 30 May to study and intern in Portugal in the next academic year.

To apply, you must complete and sign the application form and the study programme and submit them to the Politécnico de Leiria’s International Mobility and Cooperation Office.

Unfortunately, we’re unable to provide any additional financial support to students who take part in this mobility programme.

European Health Insurance Card

The European Health Insurance Card is a free card that gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country.

The benefits covered include, for example, benefits provided in conjunction with chronic or existing illnesses as well as in conjunction with pregnancy and childbirth.

Cards are issued by your national health insurance provider.

Find out more about the European Health Insurance Card.

The European Health Insurance Card:

  • is not an alternative to travel insurance. It does not cover any private healthcare or costs such as a return flight to your home country or lost/stolen property,
  • does not cover your costs if you are travelling for the express purpose of obtaining medical treatment,
  • does not guarantee free services. As each country’s healthcare system is different services that cost nothing at home might not be free in another country.