Plano Nacional das Artes “For everyone with each one”
The Plano Nacional das Artes (PNA) is a mission structure of the Portuguese governmental areas of Culture and Education within the time frame of 2019-2020. Its mission is to promote social transformation, harnessing the educative potential of heritage and the arts in each citizen’s life: for everyone with each one. Partnerships with local administration, private entities and civil society are purposefully involved in order to place heritage and the arts at the centre of lifelong learning. Plano Nacional das Artes’ manifesto and strategy for the time frame of 2019-2024 were publicly presented on the 18th of June of 2019.
Its main goals are to ensure citizen’s access and participation in artistic fruition and cultural production; to expand the cultural educative supply and to promote knowledge, integration and the meeting of cultures.
PNA is part of a broader strategy aimed at creating integrated culture and education policies, bringing closer citizens and the arts, especially children and the youth, promoting cultural heritage and stimulating the circulation of contemporary creation. The action strategy upholds a systemic approach to society, locally grounded, acknowledging each territory’s uniqueness and empowering communities and local agents through active and constructive participation. Divided in 3 axis of intervention – Cultural Policy; Qualification; Education and Access – which include 6 programs and 27 initiatives, complementing and enhancing each other.
Plano Nacional das Artes is being developed, in articulation and leveraging their cooperative action, with the Plano Nacional de Leitura, the Plano Nacional de Cinema, the Programa Nacional de Educação Estética e Artística, the Programa de Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares and the Rede Portuguesa de Museus.
It is coordinated through an executive commission composed by Paulo Pires do Vale, Sara Brighentti and Nuno Pólvora and accompanied by a cientific commission presided by Maria de Assis.