



Next Friday, January 8th, will take place the 4th edition of the project (CO) LABORA (L) – project thinking & practices from the night shift . This year the event will include student interventions from both 1st and 3rd years of the post-work undergraduate programme in Graphic Design and Multimedia and will occupy several spaces on the campus between 18:00 and 24:00.

To inhabit the ESAD.CR space during the night is to live between silence, darkness and empty corridors, but also to experience specific perspectives and creative processes. It is this experience that we invite you to share with us, in a particularly unusual year, that has given us even more strength to occupy once again the school corridors, breaking the darkness.

On the day of the event, a map showing the projects and their locations will be distributed. Bring warm clothing and don’t forget your mask. We ask everyone to strictly observe physical distances and the pandemic hygiene protocol.

In this 4th edition the event is organized by a team of three professors – António Costa, José Mendes and Teresa Fradique – and involves work from three different courses – Graphic Design Project 3, Introduction to Project Thinking and Communication Design Project.