PROFS – contemporary authors in the 30 years of ESAD.CR
CCC – Cultural Centre of Congresses of Caldas da Rainha
PROFS – contemporary authors in ESAD.CR’s 30 years exhibition proposes a state-of-the-art in the creation and production of the teachers who are also outstanding professionals and highly active in their field. In a school supported by learning and teaching processes that are practical, critical and experimental, mediated by intense theoretical and transdisciplinary debates on contemporary culture, it is essential that the teachers’ production establishes itself as the backbone of the school and becomes visible and scrutinable by the community, namely the students.
With the opening on 15 December (6 p.m.) and held from 16 December to 24 January in the various spaces of the CCC – Centro Cultural e de Congressos das Caldas da Rainha, the exhibition presents the contribution of 64 authors, teachers from ESAD.CR and professionals in the areas of animation, architecture, visual arts, comics, cinema, dance, engraving, environment design, graphic design, product design, photography, illustration, multimedia, music, performance, sound, theatre, typography, video or webdesign. It also has a performance program specifically created for the small auditorium of the CCC.
Inauguration: 15 December, 18h00
Exhibition: 16 December 2020 to 24 January 2021, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
(closed on 24, 25 and 31 December and 1 January 2021)
Diogo Dória Reading: 15 December, 18h30
Performance Ricardo Pimentel: 15 December, 19h00
Small Auditorium Program:
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (except January 14th and 16th):
14h30 – Leonor Areal | Nasci com a Trovoada. Autobiografia póstuma de um cineasta
17h – Maria Ramos | Árida
17h45 – Miguel Castro Caldas | Quarantatre
18h00 – Adriana Sá | AGORA