Until April 9th
CUBICULO is a curatorial space that promotes the diversity of artistic discourses, proposals and creations, hosting works from the various disciplinary areas of ESAD.CR.
For the 6th edition of Cubículo we launch an OPEN CALL to the school’s community, with the intention of presenting a portrait, even if indirect, of its artistic production in the context of successive confinements, constraints and distancing, in a period strongly marked by the limitation of liberties and the increase of intolerances, but also by the awakening and reformulation of consciousnesses.
We are looking for drawing, photography, audio, text, film or video projects made during this period, which may be presented in printed and/or digital media.
The proposals will be selected according to their suitability for an experimental curatorial exercise, consisting on a printed publication to be sent by physical mail, and an online program on digital platforms. The programming will be presented to the public between June 1st and 16th
The Open Call accepts projects made during the last year, or concluded by April 9th, in the following media: drawing, photography, audio, text, film or video. Students and recent graduates of ESAD.CR may apply by sending the following contents to ppc2019.esad@gmail.com:
> Name;
> Contact;
> Course and status of study
> Biography of the participant, max. 500 characters
> Synopsis of the proposal, max. 1500 characters;
> Technical info;
> Promotional image (1080x1080px) or video (up to 1′)> Attached proposal or download link. Depending on medium, the proposal must meet the following technical requirements:
>> Drawing ( master document, jpeg, 15x20cm at 300dpi, for silkscreen printing in black color); Text (up to approx. 5000 ch); Cinema (up to approx. 30′); Video (up to approx. 15′); Audio (up to approx. 15′); Photo (jpg/300dpi/h:2500px – individual, or serie with multiples of 3 up to 9 in total).
Cubículo is a project from the Programming and Cultural Production course at ESAD.CR.