The Sea is the Earth – session 1
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PROGRAMME – The Sea is the Earth
We are very happy to be invited and to be able to share what we do, and proud too. We have a few ideas for this programme, and the first is four short film sessions followed by debates, with students and former students of ESAD.CR and moderated by teachers.
We don’t know if we should call them short films of the Sea or of the Earth, perhaps the title of the first one will do – Between the Sky and the Sea.
Shorts sessions with debate
Session 1 – spaces between the margins
In this session, beyond the maritime element, we seek to explore the space between the margins of the sea that separates the continents and the common sky that shelters it, the spaces contiguous to the body and to a building, of the community as an island and the space we dream of to rebuild the world.
“Entre o Céu e a Terra” (Between Sky and Earth) – Giuliane Maciel, 2017
Synopsis: The film arises from the need of answers, from the director’s search for her origins in memories and old tapes recorded by herself and her parents
“Ficção Científica” (Science Fiction) – David Afonso, 2017
Synopsis: On a bank of Lisbon the Tagus River flows into the Atlantic Ocean where the Champalimaud Foundation is located, a minimalist, abstract and unique architecture by Charles Correa makes the author travel, makes him isolate himself from the rest of the people and their thoughts to imagine new lines, forms and a different future when he is in that space. A projection of his identity in the search for a greater beauty.
“Há margem” (There is / We are margin) – Filipe Oliveira, 2019
Synopsis: The documentary takes place in a small illegal neighbourhood built on the banks of the Tagus River, overlooking the city of Lisbon on the other bank. The film relates some stories of the residents and the day to day lived there.
“The gravitational field of time and space” – Inês França, 2021
Synopsis: Experimental film art. Hidden from the world, camouflaged and transformed into other things, our senses are transferred to a new nature, where the sea appears as a landscape not yet built or adapted by technology. A film reflecting on our confined aceptic condition. Let us imagine that now the organs of our bodies dissociated and started to explore the world independently. Would we have a new consciousness? What mind would emerge?