The sea is the earth – session 3
Acess online event – https://europa.zoom.us/j/88518619469?pwd=ZjVST1Q1cTVxYnk4bVlocGxGL1JmQT09
Seed, Mariana Neves, 2019
A goddess that “is all of us” crosses the landscape and transforms it in our gaze. This film embeds us into the landscape of life on Earth, human and living in as many scales and forms as we find in everything we can call life. A film populated by lifelines, outside of time – without beginning and without end – and within the durations of the female body in history. It deals with the humidity, the mud, the watery matter of creation and what remains after the passing of a humanity.
Contrafogo, Carolina Vieira, 2020
Let us imagine that we are spectators in the room where Butades’ daughter draws the outline of her beloved before leaving for war, as described by Pliny the Elder in Natural History. We are, with Butades’ family, witnessing the invention of the drawing that fixes a silhouette, a shadow projected onto a wall. Let us imagine the past year and its possibilities, in the context of the pandemic and the rediscovery of the power of imagination. The image remains.
A powerful film.
A bird hovering through the dancing tress, Irina Oliveira, 2020
A film dedicated to all dreamers. Life during a suspended time seems as we imagine it. The duration of light landing on things, and the sound of things reverberating in our mind.