Open Classes of Contemporary Artistic Practices. 2022-23_Collaboration, Community, Exploring the Territory and the Landscape
In favor of the explosion: revisions, image-text-image (2017/22)
19 OCTOBER // AUDITORIUM EP.1 // 17:30
In my opinion one cannot separate politics and art alongside each other, without any further. When an idea is translated into an image, you either ruin the image or explode the idea. I tend to be in favor of the explosion.
Heiner Muller
Muller’s quote operates as a trigger to revisit my work of recent years. Taken from a text by Asier Mendizabal, where the author discusses some of the contradictions that instigate and interrogate ways of thinking, doing and politically positioning how one works with images. Of particular interest to this discussion is the relationship between research and experimentation, at the limit between images and texts.