The main goal of the event is to present the potential of immersive worlds to ESAD.CR community. They will ave opportunity to see relevant projects from national and international companies as well as from an international research centre. It is intended to promote, within the ESAD.CRZ, aa new field where interdisciplinary knowledge exists.
30 November // Auditorium EP.1 // 10.am
10h Abertura
João Santos – ESAD.CR
10h15 Keynote
VR/AR Association Portugal
11h00 Comunicação
“Projeto REVIDA: Realidade Virtual na sintomalotogia depressiva E ansiosa”.
Marília Ruivo – Mestrado em Design para a Saúde e Bem-Estar da ESAD.CR
11h15 Break
Show Case
Projetos de AR – Lic. DGM
11h30 Talk
“Como criar experiências virtuais com storytelling”
João Rodrigues – CYANGO
12h10 Talk
“Do we live inside a virtual simulation?”
Helder Rocha – UNLOOP
12h50 Show Reel
Projetos de VR/AR – Lic. DGM
13h15 Encerramento