Exhibition – Shadows in the Open Sky
28 JAN to 24 FEB . 2023
Espaço Turismo das Caldas da Rainha
The Espaço Turismo Exhibition Gallery hosts, Saturday, January 28th, “Shadows in the Open Sky”, the first individual exhibition by the artist Maria Manuel, curated by Célia Bragança.
Present at the exhibition are pieces in serigraphy, engraving and drawing, with shadow and light being the central themes of all of the artist’s work.
In the “Umbra” series, Maria Manuel thinks about the different shadows that trees create and how they interact with each other. From a game between shadow printed on transparent veil fabric and the overlapping of layers, new images are then created.
When drawing the shadows in charcoal, in “Sombras a Céu Aberto”, the artist now intends to understand the light that passes between the shadow of the leaves of the tree. When trying to fix something untouchable, light becomes matter on paper. “Shadows in the Open Sky” can be visited until February 24th.