Mostra Nacional de Jovens Criadores, IPDJ, Gerador
ESAD.CR Graduates
Winner: Daniela Mata
Daniela Mata (@dmata.illustration), Graphic and Multimedia Design graduate, by ESAD.CR School of Arts and Design, wins Mostra Nacional de Jovens Criadores, in the Illustration category, with Projecto Glacialis.
Finalists: Anastácia Kazmina Marques, Beatriz Machado, Beatriz Narciso, Rafaela Ferreira, João Carlos Pinto e Marta Paiva
Among the finalists are ESAD.CR School of Arts and Design’s alumni Anastácia Kazmina Marques(@motherussya), distinguished in the textile art category, Beatriz Machado (@__beatrizmachado__) in illustration, Beatriz Narciso (@opigmentodenarcissu) and Rafaela Ferreira (@rafaelafranciscoferreira) in painting and João Carlos Pinto (@visual_erratic) and Marta Paiva (@yellowmartaa) in photography.
The Mostra Nacional de Jovens Criadores is an initiative by the Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth, organized by the platform Gerador.