Silence and acoustic horizon
Ricardo Jacinto
November 15th . 2023, 5:30pm
EP1 Room 34 – ESAD.CR
Since the acoustic horizon is defined by “the greatest distance, in each direction, up to which sounds can be heard”, we can suggest that only beyond this perceptual limit does silence exist, and that it is imagined. Silence thus becomes a speculative exercise and presents itself as the horizon of sound. How can we creatively explore this horizon?
Beginning with a presentation of the concept of the acoustic horizon and attention to “distance” as one of the main instruments in the performance of space through sound, participants will be able to use portable recording systems to map soundscapes in different locations, as well as the internal resonances of structures or objects encountered on their paths. Based on this exercise of the relationship between absolute proximity or distance from the landscape and vibrating bodies, we will speculate on the “silence” of animated things.