Open Class with António Poppe
António Poppe
NOVEMBER 23RD OF 2023, 2.30PM
Performance-lecture with António Poppe (b. 1968, Lisbon), poet, visual artist and performer, based on his continuous, empathetic practice, in permanent association with the languages of the world and the world of languages.
António Poppe
Visual artist, poet, performer, lives and works in Lisbon. Studied at Ar.Co (Art and Visual Communication), at the Royal College of Arts in London and at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago as a scholarship holder from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Luso-American Development Foundation, where he completed a Masters in Performing Art and Cinema. He has hybrid work of poetry and visual arts published by Assírio & Alvim (“Torre de Juan Abad”, 2001), Documenta (“Livro da Luz”, 2012) and Douda Correria (“medicin.” in 2015 and “come coral” in 2017). Performed and/or exhibited in Serralves Museum, Galeria ZDB, Galeria 111, Culturgest, Fundação Carmona e Costa, Centro de Artes José de Guimarães (CIAJG), Quetzal Art Center, Porta33, among others.