Antónia Labaredas
NOVEMBER 29th . 2023, 9.AM
This workshop follows the programmatic aims of the UC “Technologies II”, and aims to provide students with a particular ceramic technique, in the execution of ceramic pieces of a utilitarian and decorative nature. Neriage is a Japanese word that designates a ceramics technique in which mixing clays of different colors produces a “marbled effect”. This training is intended to provide students with knowledge of the various possibilities for using colored pastes: on the potter’s wheel, ballast, sculpture; as well as the creation of the folders themselves.
Antónia Labaredas, born in Évora in 1979. In 2004, she graduated in Industrial Design, at ESAD.CR. Since 2007, she has been working in several areas, such as: visual arts and ceramics. She has collaborated for several years with the scenography company “Origâmi”, in several areas such as: painting and sculpture. Since 2018, she has dedicated herself more exclusively to ceramics, creating a body of original work. Her work in ceramics reflects a plural vision of techniques and materials, acquired through her vast and heterogeneous professional experience.
Limited places, register by 27/11 by emailing