STARTING OVER FROM THE FUTURE | Challenges of the Cultural Management today
Cultural Management Master
DECEMBER 11TH . 2023, 6.PM
In a world shaken by war brutalism and cultural wars, marked by multiple forms of symbolic violence, Cultural Management faces new challenges that affect its methodologies and practices. This conference aims to promote space for critical debate and meetings between cultural agents and the academic community, envisioning common axes of action related to cultural management, production and programming, committed to the effective consummation of emancipated democracy and cultural citizenship.
Andreia Carneiro
Teacher at the Higher School of Theater and Cinema and at the Higher School of Dance. Producer, cultural manager and coordinator of the Emerging Producers platform
Ana Lama Gallery (Margarida Chambel and Nuno Oliveira)
Artistic directors of missing curator, Ana Lama, the inventor of the Fake Extreme Art concept
Gonçalo Riscado
Cultural, creative and producer manager. Director of the company CTL – Cultural Trend Lisbon and the MIL Lisbon Festival
Léa Prisca Lopez
Mediator and cultural programmer. She is part of the 4iS Social Innovation team. Mediator for the Dona Maria II National Theater in the National Odyssey project
Sandra Oliveira
Artistic director of the Jardins Efémeros Festival and VNBM Gallery (Viseu)