Open Class
Pedro Mexia
JANUARY 10TH OF 2024, 6.PM
In an open class by Pedro Mexia (1972), the writer, poet, columnist, editor and literary critic will explore, within the scope of his professional activities and as a reader, listener and spectator, the different meanings of the concept of culture. Experience, theory, cultural object, artistic object will be some of the notions evoked in this session.
The class will take place in the EP1 Auditorium, at 6:00 pm, on January 10, 2024 and is part of the program of the Contemporary Culture Curricular Unit of the Master of Cultural Management.
Pedro Mexia was born in Lisbon, in 1972. He graduated in Law from the Catholic University. He wrote literary criticism and chronicles for the newspapers Diário de Notícias and Público, and is currently a contributor to the weekly newspaper Expresso. He is one of the members of the Shadow Government (TSF / TVI24). He was deputy director and interim director of Cinemateca Portuguesa. He published six books of poetry, anthologized in Menos por Menos (2011), followed by Uma Vez Que Tudo se Perdeu (2015) and the personal selection of Poems Escondidos (2018). He edited the volumes of diaries Fora do Mundo (2004), Prova de Vida (2007), Estado Civil (2009), Lei Seca (2014) and Malparado (2017), and the chronicle collections Primeira Pessoa (2006), Nada de Melancolia (2008), The Lives of Others (2010), The World of the Living (2012), Cinemateca (2013), Biblioteca (2015) and Lá Fora (2018, Grande Prémio de Crónica APE). In Brazil, I wanted more is that it rained (chronicles, 2015) and Contratempo (poetry, 2016). Organized a volume of essays by Agustina Bessa-Luís, Contemplation Carinhosa da Angústia; then anthology Verbo: Deus como Interrogação na Poesia Portuguesa [with José Tolentino Mendonça]; The Fatal Man, selected chronicles by Nelson Rodrigues; and Nada Tem Já Encanto, a poetic anthology by Rui Knopfli. Translated by Robert Bresson, Tom Stoppard, Hugo Williams and Martin Crimp. Coordinates the Tinta-da-china poetry collection. In 2015 and 2016 he was a member of the Camões Prize jury.