Essays on space disturbance
JANUARY 17TH, 2024, 10AM – 7PM
Desvio is event that brings together individual curatorial projects proposed by the 2nd year Cultural Programming and Production students. Each invited a student or alumni from diferent ESAD.CR courses and disciplinary practices to intervene in the school’s public space with pre-existing personal projects.
This laboratory project, whose title appropriates the practices used by the Situationists at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, challenges each of the proposals to try out a strategy for detouring from the everyday use of the school’s space.
In diferent ways and intensities, the aim is for the dialog and tension between the diferent works and the specifc exhibition sites to provide, on the one hand, new possibilities of experience and conceptual understanding of the works and, on the other, new disruptive dynamics between the various school spaces and the community that cohabits them.
Program Brochure
Curatorship, Production and Communication
2nd year of the Undergraduate Programme in Programming and Cultural Production 23-24 / ESAD.CR – IPLeiria
Project Coordination
Lígia Afonso and Ricardo Pimentel
Thanks to
Raquel Marques, Sérgio Veloso, Pedro Cá, Daniel Coimbra, Nayara Siler