Open Class with Odete
OCTOBER 6TH . 2023, 2.30PM
Performance-lecture with Odete (b. 1995, Oporto), a multidisciplinary artist, centered on the demand for a liquid, free and trans-historical language.
Multidisciplinary artist, Odete (b. 1995, Oporto) develops a work that operates in the domain of music, visual arts, performance and theatre. Her work is mainly an “eroto-historiographical” and paranoid archaeology (a method she develops with her performances). She has presented her creations in different spaces and contexts such as Teatro Sao Luiz (Lisbon), Teatro Municipal do Porto, malavoadora.porto, TNDMII , CAPC – Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra, Festival Iminente, Rua das Gaivotas 6, among others. Recently she won the ReXform award for performing arts, presenting the project “On Revelations and Muddy Becomings” at MAAT and in collaboration with the biennial BoCA. In the area of music, she has edited EPs and albums by Genome (China), New Scenery (UK), Rotten:Fresh or Naivety (PT). She was part of the “SHAPE platform” 2021-2022. She presented her first solo exhibition at O Bardo and, more recently, the exhibition LYSIS, with Diana Policarpo at Quéréla (Lisbon). She launched her first poetry book “The Elder Femme and other Stone Writings” by Pântano Books. Between 2022 and 2024 she integrates the Future Laboratory, a European project of performative research, from CAMPUS (Porto).