DESCENTRACIDADES – Creative Territories and Communities
Sílvia Pinto Ferreira (Quarta Parede); Filipa Morgado (Cau-Cortém); Diogo Monteiro (Aldeia Pintada)
Nuno Barbosa (Associação do Bairro da Quinta Grande PER 7); Mauro Wah (Associação de Moradores do PER 11)
DECEMBER 17TH, 2024, 5PM
Recognizing that policies of democratization and cultural decentralization did not ensure the establishment of cultural rights, nor did they generate new cultural dynamics in the territories, should commit us to the cultural policies grounded in the paradigm of cultural democracy, evoking local power to formulate strategies and cultural policies with the communities. When it comes to infrastructure, it turns out that some of the financial investments made were not accompanied by other forms of support imperative to the appreciation and mobilization of cultural practices which would induce the participation of communities less familiarized with the arts and culture, and so, that way, they also did not contribute to achieve the democratic design of amplifying the social base of the publics.