Webinar: Information Session about curricular internships.
On the 17th and 18th of November of 2021, will take place webinars about curricular internshipsfor the students of ESAD.CR that intend to do an internship.
The webinars wil be presented by GAEEP (Internship Office of ESAD.CR) and will clarify doubts about curricular Internships: deadlines, documents and procedures.
The Sesssions are scheduled as follows:
– 17/11/2021: from 10:30am until 11:30 am (Undergraduate Programmes: Graphic and Multimedia Design and Sound and Image).
– 17/11/2021: from 14:30 pm until 15:30 pm (Undergraduate Programmes: Interior and Spacial Design, Industrial Design, Product Design, Ceramics and Glass).
– 18/11/2021: from 10:30 am until 11:30 am (Undergraduate Programmes: Programming and Cultural Production and Theatre, and Master Programmes: Graphic Design and Cultural Manegement).
– 18/11/2021: from 14:30 pm until 15:30 pm (TeSP / Short Cycles of ESAD.CR.).
If it’s not possible to the Student to attend to his/her Couse Session, please contact GAEEP to verify if it is possible to attend another Course Session.
Free registration here / Link: https://forms.office.com/r/G6cEivgnVm
Additional information: gaeep.esad@ipleiria.pt