Designing a new planet . Post-Global Aesthetics – Open Class
Globalization has been the fundamental invention of modernity. A spatial and temporal project, but above all a project of representation, an aesthetic project.
The seminar aims to explore the speculative possibilities of planetary, astral perspectives in the contemporary arts scene in the age of the Anthropocene. We will also investigate the emergence of new forms of agency and production capable of transforming reality and creating radical changes in the way we perceive it. They are already part of our sensory and artistic world, and therefore all discourse that aims to account for the age in which we live can no longer exclude these in-human forces with whom we coexist, and who along with us shape the experience of our time.
WEDNESDAY, May 16th . 17h30- 20h00 EP1’s AUDITORIUM
Giovanbattista Tusa is a philosopher and video artist based at the Nova Institute of Philosophy of the Universidade Nova of Lisbon in Portugal, where he coordinates the research program X-CENTRIC FUTURES. He is the author, with Alain Badiou, of The End (Polity Press, 2019). He recently co-edited Fernando Pessoa and Philosophy. Countless Lives Inhabit Us (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021), PPPP. Pier Paolo Pasolini Philosopher (Mimesis International, 2022), and Dispositif. A Cartography (MIT Press, 2022). He is currently editing, with Michael Marder, Contemporanea. A Glossary for the 21st Century (MIT Press, 2023) and completing his manuscript Minima Planetaria. He is the director of the Planetary Conversations, in collaboration with The Philosophical Salon.