Each week, the record of the DESIGN FOR DEBATE lectures, 2021 edition, will be published here.
Susana Soares (Lisbon, 1977) is a designer and educator exploring the social and ethical implications of the technological redesign of nature. Her work oscillates between incorporating living beings into projects that harness symbiotic relationships and a highly engineering perspective. Each project involves developing collaborative frameworks between design and emerging research. She employs design to create opportunities to develop technological fluency, empathy and engagement.
Vera Sacchetti & Matylda Krzykowski (Foreign Legion)
Foreign Legion is a globally active curatorial initiative by Vera Sacchetti and Matylda Krzykowski.
Foreign Legion works in a wide range of formats, either existing or imagined, for the cultural and commercial sector.
Foreign Legion is interested in fictions, alternatives and new possibilities.
Jan Boelen (1967, Belgium) is a curator of design, architecture, and contemporary art. He is rector at the Karlsruhe University of Art and Design (HfG), and artistic director of Atelier LUMA, an experimental laboratory for design in Arles, France. Boelen studied Product Design at the Media & Design Academy in Genk and is the founder and former artistic director of Z33 – House for contemporary art in Hasselt, Belgium. He was curator of the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial in Istanbul (2018) and initiated Manifesta 9 in Belgium (2012). Over the years, he has been fashioning projects and exhibitions that encourage visitor to look at everyday objects in a novel manner.
Renny Ramakers is a Dutch art historian, curator, design critic, and co-founder and director of the Droog design foundation. Ramakers writes articles, gives lectures, initiates projects and curates exhibitions in the field of art and design. Last year, she curated the N’GOLÁ Biennial of Arts in West Africa and the pop-up exhibition Now Look Here in Amsterdam, both with contemporary artist from the Africa and the diaspora. Currently, her exhibition ONWARD&UPWARD is on show in Amsterdam, that is about the power of people to go on in times of uncertainty.