Cadernos de corpo –
Exposição de Performance e Visualidade
Curso Artes Plásticas da ESAD.CR
The exhibition Cadernos de corpo opens its doors to the public on May 6th and will be open until May 27th at the Gallery of the Espaço Turismo in Caldas da Rainha .
Monday to Friday – 10H to 13H30 – 14H to 16H
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays | Closed
Live performances
May 6th at 15h
“Do I adjust to the chair, or does it adjust to me?”
May 26th at 15th
“Treasure Hunt
The body notebook has been a key element in performance classes. After movement exercises students are invited to take a break from the body, automatically and unreflectively recording in their notebook, ideas, sensations, movements, insights. This is a moment to value the freedom to express what is in the body and that for some reason becomes conscious through words or drawings.
In this exhibition some notebooks, pages and their contents are revealed, as well as other objects that emerged from the sharing of notebooks between students.