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Arts of Sound and Image


Arts of Sound and Image

Course Type: Master Programmes


  • Enabling specific skills for innovation in the several developing stages of the project in Arts of Sound and Image: in research methodologies, writing processes, structures of working and production, exhibition and display strategies;
  • Promoting students’ autonomy for technological experimentation having in sight the needs of each project;
  • Extending the expertise of technical skills in film and video, photography and the sonic arts; 
  • Developing a proper discursive strategy capable of communicating the artist’s own decisions with the public, technicians, producers, curators and other cultural agents; 
  • Encouraging the development of a singular working methodology, able to articulate critical skills and material expression in the context of the heterogeneous panorama of contemporary arts and audio-visual technologies;
  • Encouraging the involvement in the interdisciplinarity of the curriculum while concentrating on a chosen disciplinary area. 

Teaching Staff

André Dias, Diogo Alvim, Diogo Saldanha, Isabel Aboim Inglez, José Bértolo, José Emanuel Brás, Luís Miguel Correia, Maria Mire Carriço, Nuno Monteiro, Pedro Letria, Ricardo Jacinto, Riccardo Wanke, Salomé Lamas, Susana Duarte, Suse Ribeiro.

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Course Supervisor

Susana Duarte