Welcome to the School of Health Sciences – Polytechnic of Leiria!
The School of Health Sciences (ESSLei) offers a range of opportunities for students from Europe, Latin America and PALOP countries who whish to study Health related subjects, in Leiria.
» You can access our studies offer here: https://www.ipleiria.pt/en/study/courses/?force-lang
Exchange programs available for students:
Cooperation protocols/Protocolos de cooperação
» Incoming students’ guide 2024-25
International students:
If one of your life goals is to study with us to get a 1st or 2nd cycle degree, not being portuguese or not having portuguese nationality, you can do so as an International Student.
All information concerning application, required documents, visa, accommodation, scholarships and callendars is availabe HERE
Staff Exchange – Erasmus+
Teachers and staff are welcome to visit us! Please send an email » internacional.esslei@ipleiria.pt
The Polytechnic of Leiria has two anual main events for staff: May – International Week November – International Staff Week
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