

Master thesis presentation – Carolina Reis

Master thesis presentation – Yuliia Pankiv

Master thesis presentation – Cilene Campos

Master thesis presentation – Nuno Medon

Master thesis presentation – Youmna Bouzamel

Master thesis presentation – Richard
Defesa dissertação - Tiago Albuquerque
Master thesis presentation – Tiago Albuquerque

Master thesis presentation – Iryna Babenko

Master thesis presentation – Melissa Branco
Defesa dissertação - Nádia Passagem
Master thesis presentation – Nádia Passagem
Defesa dissertação - Liliana Gavazz
Master thesis presentation – Liliana Gavazz

Master thesis presentation – Ivana Cilé

Master thesis presentation – Célia Santos
Defesa dissertação - Alexandre Oliveira
Master thesis presentation – Alexandre Oliveira
Defesa dissertação - Nina Miettinen
Master thesis presentation – Nina Miettinen
Defesa dissertação - Ana Paiva
Master thesis presentation – Ana Paiva



Scholarships and Awards

IPL scholarship to attend the international Conference of Applied Business and Management 2018Title of the work: “The Influence of Responsible Leadership in Expatriate’s Performance: Well-Being, Emotions and Cross-Cultural Adjustment – a theoretical model”

Melissa Marques

IPL scholarship to attend the III International Forum on ManagementTitle of the work: “The effect of informal and formal institutions on firms’ performance: The analysis of emerging economies”

Alexandre Oliveira



Tribute to organizations that host our students on internships, award prizes, sponsor scholarships and support our activities



Alexandre Oliveira
” ….o The conclusion of the Master’s in International Business was a major achievement in my career. The IB Master helped me to develop my knowledge and expertise regarding recent topics in International Business. It helped me to develop my autonomous capacity skills through the continuous formulation of tasks under the professors’ guidance which enabled me to successfully complete the master. It helped me to develop and improve both my written and English-speaking skills.Therefore, by completing the IB Master, I was well prepared for advanced problem-solving and the solutions that regarded a firms’ barriers and adversities in internationalization. Furthermore, the IB Master allowed me to learn and focus on scientific research. The IB Master has a major scientific component in the program, thereby it helped me to understand why scientific research is important and how students may engage in their own research. In addition, by completing successfully the first year, I was prepared to initiate my own master’ dissertation, as I acknowledged the main difficulties that were ahead of me. Nevertheless, the professors were always available to help and answer my doubts, ensuring that I was able to complete successfully the IB Master… 



Date Title of the Work Student
30/out/24 Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Impact of Product Packaging on Consumer Behavior in Portuguese and Czech Republic markets Novo, Tiago António Rosa
21/mar/24 Strategic Transitions in Expansion: Analyzing the Efficacy of Chosen Strategies Ribeiro, Marcella Alves
19/dez/23 Integrating Sustainable Development Goals in corporate reporting: An international analysis of the financial sector Ribeiro, João Paulo de Castro
22/nov/23 Sustainable Finance and Investment in the European Union: The case of BIOWEG Soares, Beatriz Catarina Sousa
20/nov/23 The influence of culture on entrepreneurial motivations Gomes, Carolina Ferreira
21/nov/23 Financial Reporting Quality Impact on the Firm’s Capital Structure Reis, Carolina Pereira
10/nov/23 Enhancing Western E-commerce Expansion in China: Navigating Technical and Cultural Challenges through effective Web site design Campos, Cilene Ramaldes
10/nov/23 The Dos and Don´ts of Doing Business in Ukraine Pankiv, Yuliia
10/nov/23 The role of civil liberties and corporate social responsibility disclosure information in the fast-fashion sector Medon, Nuno André da Silva
28/jul/23 The Influence of Generalized Institutional Inefficiencies on Firms’ Ownership Strategy in the MENA Region Bouzamel, Youmna
29/nov/22 Sustainability Report in order to Improve Energy Efficiency in Indian Industry Subramaniam, Akhil
11/nov/22 Internationalization plan for the company Quipu: Monitoring and support for the development Lopez, Brian Martin Burbano
11/nov/22 Entrepreneurship during times of crisis: Examining Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions and cultural characteristics Figueiredo, Bruno Emanuel Barbosa
08/nov/22 Business plan for the internationalization of a web application in the Spanish livestock Malheiro, Sara Filipa Quintanilha
04/nov/22 A Guide to Enhance Successful International Negotiations in the Mexican Market Oliveira, Liliana Marlene Dias
20/jun/22 Knowledge Management at Youth in Science and Business Foundation (YSBF) –A Virtual Non- Government organization Gonçalves, Tulip Rogers
14/jun/22 Impact of quality management adoption in customer performance – moderation effect analysis in the context of exporting Portuguese firms Bugalho, Vânia Filipa Marques
12/jan/22 The Impact of Culture on Career Management Garbin, Leonardo
12/jan/22 Is FDI caring for Sustainability? Martins, Rui Vicente
04/jan/22 Acculturation and purchase intentions among emigrants: an international analysis Velgan, Tatiana
07/dez/21 The relationship between CEO’ remuneration and firm performance: Evidence from ATX and DAX Marzinzik, René
19/nov/21 The Dos and Don’ts of Doing Business in the Middle East: GCC / United Arab Emirates Neto, Fátima Maria Neves Barbeiro de Abreu
08/nov/21 International SMA Behavioural Implications: An Analysis of the Mediating and Moderating Effects Silva, Beatriz Isabel Ferreira da
29/set/21 The effect of International Logistics, Free Trade Agreements and Distance on International Trade, the case of Panama Gavilanes, Juan Carlos Albarracin
11/mai/21 A chance for places that don’t matter – place-based sustainable tourism project for depopulated rural regions: the case of Portugal Santos, António Agostinho Oliveira
28/abr/21 Performance of Multinational Corporations (MNCs): The Infuence of Research and Development (R&D) Martinez, Eidyx Marlene Castillo
25/fev/21 Taxation policies of Croatia: Proposals for implementation of preferential tax regimes on islands Budanec, Damir
26/jan/21 Green Supply Chain Management: a case study of Brazilian cosmetic firms Araújo, Adélia Cristina Evangelista Silva de
07/jan/21 Ethical Leadership as a Discouragement Agent for Moral Disengagement and Unethical Behaviour in Cross-Cultural Alvez, Marlond Antunez
02/out/20 The Effects of Social Media Influencers’ Source Credibility on their Ascribed Opinion Leadership and Consumers’ purchase Intention Tille, Melanie
23/jul/20 The moderating effect of state ownership on institutional distance and multilatinas subsidiaries performance Burgos, Lisbeth Altagracia Valdez
23/jul/20 The effects of home country formal and informal institutions on firms’ ownership strategies Barbeiro, Suzi Pedro
08/jul/20 Surviving the Culture Shock Syndrome: the Role of Cultural Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and Responsible Leadership in Enhancing Expatriates Jesus, João Octávio Santos de
22/jun/20 International market selection: analysis of internationalization projects in a Portuguese SME Shingak, Juliana Miho
26/mai/20 Internationalization of Brazilian specialty food: an analysis of exports to Portugal Vogel, Juliana Lisboa
26/mai/20 Internationalization to Colombian market: enablers and constraints Jacinto, Daniela Susano
19/nov/19 Is traditional retail moving to e-commerce in the field of the fashion industry in India? Saravanan, Raja
24/out/19 O impacto do País de Origem no Valor da Marca: uma análise ao setor do vinho Passagem, Nádia Joana Pereira
26/jun/19 The effect of formal and informal institutions on firms’ performance: an analysis of emerging economies Oliveira, Alexandre Martins de
31/mai/19 Communicating with younger consumers – The digital marketing of multinational firms Rodrigues, Marc de Oliveira
10/mai/19 The impact of home country government in firm internationalisation Reis, Margarida da Silva
10/mai/19 Institutional quality, firm performance and business groups: evidence from emerging economies Santos, Liliana Gavazzi
11/abr/19 Plano de negócio para a implementação de uma empresa comercial em Cabo Verde: trading company como alternativa para comércio inter-ilhas Carvalho, Ivana Cilé Tavares
31/out/18 Strategic marketing on museum audience attraction – a comparative study between Portugal and the UK Albuquerque, Tiago Pereira de
23/out/18 The influence of responsible leadershipon expatriates’ performance: the mediating role of affective well-being atworkand the moderating role of cross-cultural adjustment Branco, Melissa Marques
16/out/18 Student intentions towards sustainability accounting in emerging countries (case Malaysia and Philippines) Miettinen, Nina Kristiina
23/jul/18 The determinants of customers’ trust and perceptions in the fast food industry Velasquez, Zindy Gabriela Bertrand
18/jul/18 The effect of institutional distance on cross-border merger and acquisition time to completion: an empirical analysis of European Union deals Santos, Célia Maria Ferraz dos
21/mai/18 Determinantes do desempenho internacional das empresas portuguesas nos mercados externos Paiva, Ana Filipa Agostinho Teles e
16/jan/18 Internal relations between parent headquarters – subsidiaries of multinational companies John, Richard
15/nov/17 Industry 4.0 – Is Portugal prepared for the future? Carvalho, Rui Miguel do Couto
31/out/17 Credit management Miguel, Joana Ruivo Carreira
31/out/17 Creating a customer database to increase export potential for MD Plastics Babenko, Iryna
26/out/17 Liquidity planning Mirza, Baber
17/jul/17 Russian market internationalization: Ceramifor case study Lasianok, Aliaksandr
05/jul/17 O impacto da corrupção arbitrária e generalizada nos influxos de IDE e o efeito moderador da distância da corrupção. Evidências da América latina Pessegueiro, Daniel Ramos Mendes
02/jun/17 The Turkish market: creating a customerdatabase for potential market development; a need for the Socem Molding Group Masimov, Vahid
01/jun/17 Institutional effects on the ownership in cross-border acquisitions by African firms Rodrigues, Jose Carlos Pereira
11/mai/17 The internationalization of CK Solar Academy to Brazil Mendes, Juliana Filipa Pereira
11/mai/17 A incorporação das rotas turísticas, como complemento ao turismo religioso e ao marketing mix – 4P’s, dos hotéis localizados em Fátima e o impacto na satisfação dos turistas portugueses e estrangeiros: o caso de hotéis de 4 e 3 estrelas Santos, Marisa Raquel Ribeiro
21/nov/16 Internacionalização do grupo B&M para Espanha Conde, Mónica Sofia Santos
21/nov/16 Particularidades da internacionalização e comércio internacional na indústria portuguesa de moldes para plásticos – o caso do grupo Moldoeste Silva, Jessica Mariana Pedroso
02/nov/16 Internationalization process of TUBOFURO Carvalho, Ludovic
02/nov/16 Participation of portuguese manufacturing industry in global value chains Pechankova, Katsiaryna
02/nov/16 Análise da rapidez da internacionalização em pmes do sector dos moldes – quatro casos de estudo Bonifácio, Diana Patrícia da Silva
02/nov/16 Determinants and impact of the perceived value of an ad on the consumers’ perceptions and behavioral responses Alshevskaya, Tatiana
02/nov/16 The effects of celebrity endorsement on the consumers’ perceptions towards global brands Popa, Victor
20/out/16 O investimento direto estrangeiro de Portugal no resto do mundo: influência da distância psíquica Simões, Sónia Margarida Quitério Oliveira
20/out/16 Gender and size diversity in top management team: evidence from Portugal Pedro, Joana Gomes
04/jul/16 Impact of financial crisis on earnings management in listed companies of Portugal and UK Kacharava, Aleksandre
27/jun/16 Implementação de um Sistema de Lições Aprendidas na EST (Empresa de Serviços Técnicos) Alves, Ismael Gomes
21/dez/15 A tomada de decisão dos empreendedores na internacionalização: proposições para PME da região de Leiria Cruz, Manuel Carreira Bernardes da
21/dez/15 Estratégias e processo de internacionalização nos mercados polaco e romeno: Estudo de caso Matias, Paula Cristina Pereira
21/out/15 The effects of CSR associations on consumers’ perceptions towards global brands Inácio, Nicole Costa
01/dez/14 A corrupção e os determinantes do IDE : as relações de IDE entre Portugal e o resto do mundo Ferraz, Paulo Alexandre dos Reis
14/set/14 Os efeitos do country-of-origin no setor de calçado português Roxo, Eunice Alexandra Ferreira
03/set/14 A essência da cidade do conhecimento glocal Morgado, Celestino Antunes
20/dez/13 O impacto do empreendedorismo no crescimento económico: evidências da América Latina Embaló, Tidjani
17/dez/13 O impacto da crise económico-financeira mundial nos determinantes do investimento direto estrangeiro Soares, Cláudia Catarina Carreira
17/dez/13 A influência da orientação cultural nos estilos de negociacão e na orientação ética das táticas negociais Carvalho, Nilsem Iracema Soares de
12/dez/13 Uma aplicação das dimensões culturais do projeto Globe na avaliação da liderança ética: um estudo intercultural em Portugal e Guiné-Bissau Mané, Mamadú Aua
12/dez/13 A influência do capital humano no investimento directo estrangeiro (IDE) em Portugal Gaspar, Luís Filipe Carreira
11/dez/13 O relatório anual do Banco BIC, S.A. (Angola) e o Banco BIC Português : uma abordagem do género no estudo de dimensões culturais Pinheiro, Ricardo José António
29/nov/13 The effects of ethical behavior on the profitability of firms : a study of the Portuguese construction industry Vieira, Maria Ermelinda Rendeiro
15/nov/13 Os determinantes do investimento direto estrangeiro em países da União Europeia sob resgate financeiro Lavrador, Eduardo Luís Leal
29/out/13 Internacionalização e performance : o efeito moderador da diversificação de produtos Beato, Tomé Cordeiro
18/set/13 O impacto de variáveis selecionadas do ambiente institucional dos países da África Subsaariana na capacidade de atração de investimento direto estrangeiro Ferreira, Justino Gomes
18/dez/12 O impacto das capacidades dinâmicas na inovação: uma comparação entre empresas vinícolas da Região do Alentejo e da Região de Provence. Fonseca, Tânia Domingos
05/dez/12 A cultura como um fator de atração de investimento direto estrangeiro : uma aplicação do Projeto GLOBE Caseiro, Anabela Fernandes
28/nov/12 Investimento direto estrangeiro e qualidade institucional : o papel da migração nesta relação Oliveira, Raquel
17/jul/12 Como a corrupção influencia os influxos de investimento directo estrangeiro: efeito da corrupção no país receptor e investidor Carreira, Hélder
14/jun/12 Internacionalização das instituições de ensino superior em Portugal: proposta de metodologia para a construção de indicador do grau de internacionalização Veiga, Rita
2012 Why some firms succeed in exporting while others do not? The impact of resources and capabilities on firms’ export performance Simões, Luís Carlos Ganhão


Martins, R. V., Santos, E., Eugénio, T., & Morais, A. (2023). Is foreign direct investment caring for sustainability? A look in African sub-Saharan countries. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14(5), 978-1001. https://doi.org/10.1108/SAMPJ-01-2022-0046 – (SCOPUS (Q1), ABS (2) e Web of science).