.Scholarships and Awards

IPL scholarship to attend the international Conference of Applied Business and Management 2018Title of the work: “The Influence of Responsible Leadership in Expatriate’s Performance: Well-Being, Emotions and Cross-Cultural Adjustment – a theoretical model”

Melissa Marques

IPL scholarship to attend the III International Forum on ManagementTitle of the work: “The effect of informal and formal institutions on firms’ performance: The analysis of emerging economies”

Alexandre Oliveira
Tribute to organizations that host our students on internships, award prizes, sponsor scholarships and support our activities


Alexandre Oliveira
” ….o The conclusion of the Master’s in International Business was a major achievement in my career. The IB Master helped me to develop my knowledge and expertise regarding recent topics in International Business. It helped me to develop my autonomous capacity skills through the continuous formulation of tasks under the professors’ guidance which enabled me to successfully complete the master. It helped me to develop and improve both my written and English-speaking skills.Therefore, by completing the IB Master, I was well prepared for advanced problem-solving and the solutions that regarded a firms’ barriers and adversities in internationalization. Furthermore, the IB Master allowed me to learn and focus on scientific research. The IB Master has a major scientific component in the program, thereby it helped me to understand why scientific research is important and how students may engage in their own research. In addition, by completing successfully the first year, I was prepared to initiate my own master’ dissertation, as I acknowledged the main difficulties that were ahead of me. Nevertheless, the professors were always available to help and answer my doubts, ensuring that I was able to complete successfully the IB Master… “
Martins, R. V., Santos, E., Eugénio, T., & Morais, A. (2023). Is foreign direct investment caring for sustainability? A look in African sub-Saharan countries. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14(5), 978-1001. https://doi.org/10.1108/SAMPJ-01-2022-0046 – (SCOPUS (Q1), ABS (2) e Web of science).