International Students
Who can apply under the International Student Status?
All students who do not have Portuguese nationality and that:
a) Are Non-EU Member State nationals;
b) Have not resided legally and uninterruptedly in Portugal for a period of more than two years, on 31st of August of the year they are intending to access Higher Education;
c) Are not attending a Portuguese higher education institution under an international mobility programme.
Note: students who join in higher education under the international student regime keep the status of international student until the end of the study cycle.

Access conditions
For applying to the study cycles offered at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria students should be:
a) Holders of a qualification that gives access to higher education, such as a diploma or certificate issued by a competent authority attesting the approval in a teaching program, allowing the right to apply for and be able to enrol in higher education in the country in which it was conferred.
b) Holders of a diploma of Portuguese secondary education or a legally equivalent qualification.
Academic qualification
1. Candidates should demonstrate knowledge on the subjects of the Portuguese entrance examinations, their level and content being equivalent to those of students admitted through the Portuguese general system of access and admission for the concerned study cycle.
2. When the candidate is the holder of a Portuguese secondary education course or equivalent, verification of entry qualification for the course is based on the marks of the Portuguese entrance examinations settled for the concerned course.
3. The entrance examinations and marks relating to candidates from foreign education systems who are holders of a high school diploma or other diplomas conferring identical qualification (such as the “ENEM”) are to be published by regulation of the President of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.
4. In all other situations, the candidate can take the Portuguese entrance examinations as a self-proposed student or take equivalent examinations for the concerned course at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.

Language proficiency
The attendance of any one of the study cycles at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria requires an independent command of the language in which the course is taught (level B2), in accordance with the CEFR-Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
International students who do not have B2 level may apply if they attend a training course at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, in the language in which the study cycle is taught, allowing them to achieve that level.
Students who have attended secondary school in the language in which the course applied for is taught are exempt from the foregoing requirements.
Documents for enrolment
a) Valid identity card copy issued by the authorities of the origin country;
b) Document confirming that the student holds a Portuguese secondary school course degree or legally equivalent qualification;
c) Diploma or certificate issued by a competent authority attesting the approval in a teaching program and allowing the right to apply for and be able to enrol in higher education in the country in which it was conferred;
d) A copy of the documents confirming the marks obtained:
– In the Portuguese entrance examinations, for holders of secondary Portuguese education or equivalent and for self-proposed international students;
– In the national examination of access to higher education, for candidates who hold a high school diploma (such as the “ENEM”) or other diplomas conferring identical qualification.
Students coming from countries not belonging to the European Union
Before leaving to Portugal you should take into account that to study in this country a study visa is needed, which can be obtained at the Portuguese Consulate or Embassy of your country.
Required documents
- Application form – specific model
- Valid travel document (more than 3 months after visa’s expiration)
- Three passport style pictures
- Criminal Record certificate
- Medical certificate or health insurance
- Proof of accommodation in Portugal
- Proof of means of subsistence in Portugal
- Application proof (issued by the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria)
Note: Every student must previously obtain a study visa at the Portuguese Consulate or Embassy existent in your country.
For the effect, the International Office of IPLeiria will issue an Acceptance Letter indicating that the student was accepted to IPLeiria.

Visa – Before Arriving
Preparation for visa process isn’t exactly fun, but it’s an important part of process of study abroad. So, be aware of the requirements:
//Before arriving to Portugal
Students from EU countries:
You do not need visa to enter in Portugal. You must, however, obtain a residence permit if your stay exceeds 90 days. If this is your case, you must present your Identity Card / Passport, a statement of financial support and a guarantee of health care in the Immigration and Borders Service.
Students from countries outside EU:
Before leaving to Portugal, you should take into account that to study in in this country you need a study visa obtained in the Portuguese Consulate in your home country.
Documents required:
Online Application
Valid travel document (more than three months after expiry of the visa)
Three passport photos
Criminal record
Medical certificate or health insurance
Proof of housing conditions in Portugal
Proof of finance survival in Portugal
Certificate of Enrollment in the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.
An updated Vaccination Plan is also required as well as a Transcript of Records, which must be authenticated by the Portuguese Consulate in the country of origin, in order to be able to see their qualifications recognized in Portugal.
4 Tips:
Apply for the Visa as soon as possible! The application for a study visa must be made with at least one month prior to the date of arrival at Portugal.
Check with the relevant Embassies/Consulates regarding which documents you need to obtain a visa.
Double check all forms and the information you fill in.
Always keep copies of the originals you submit! You may need them.
In case of doubt about the visa request, please visit the website of Immigration and Borders Service or send an e-mail to ACIDI ( More information in:
Visa – After Arriving
After arriving to Portugal
Students from countries outside EU
Procedures required at the airport:
Non-European students who arrive in Portugal through a border not subject to border control (with no passport stamp) must contact the Department for Foreigners and Border Control Immigration and Borders Service within three days after their arrival in the country to declare entry. More information here:
If arriving in Portugal by air one must declare their entry in the airport at the Customs Service.
The Entry Declaration must be delivered to the Immigration and Borders Service as stipulated by law. Once this period has passed you will have to pay a fine.
Procedures required at your school city:
Make your enrollment at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria;
Apply to the nearest Health Center;
Renew your student visa in the Immigration and Borders Service.
Other Informations:
Once you are enrolled at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria you are entitled to a personal accident insurance coverage (within campus).
Citizens of the European Union must present their EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) guaranteeing health care coverage to the National Health Service [Serviço Nacional de Saúde – SNS].
Entrance into Portugal does not require specific vaccinations unless students are arriving from a geographical risk area.
International Students
When you arrive in Portugal
When you arrive in Portugal, you must take the following legal procedures into account:
- Non-European students who enter Portugal through a non-controlled border must declare their entry to the authorities within 3 days.
- If you arrive in Portugal by air, you must declare your entry at the airport at the Customs Services.
- Declaration of Entry must be delivered at the Immigration and Border Control Service on terms stipulated by the law. The non-fulfillment of these determinations can incur in a fine.
Students coming from countries not belonging to the European Union:
Before leaving to Portugal you should take into account that to study in this country a study visa is needed, which can be obtained at the Portuguese Consulate or Embassy of your country.
Other steps to follow:
Submit your application at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria;
Make a registration at the health center closer to your residence area;
Renew your study visa at the Immigration and Border Control Service.
Entrance in Portugal doesn’t require any vaccination, unless the students come from a high risk geographical area.