Título: Manual prático de gestão e controlo de alimentos e bebidas
Autor: Fernando Brito
Cota: 640.4/53
Este pequeno manual prático pretende, de uma forma despretensiosa fazer uma abordagem simples à Gestão de Alimentos e Bebidas. Aborda essencialmente a parte prática do tema, podendo ser mais uma pequena ajuda prática para aqueles que gerem ou exploram estabelecimentos de restauração e bebidas, tais como; bares, restaurantes, cafés, discotecas ou outros.
Título: Logo design love : guide to creating iconic brand identities
Autor: David Airey
Cota: 659.126/15
“Completely updated and expanded, the second edition of David Airey’s Logo Design Love contains more of just about everything that made the first edition so great: more case studies, more sketches, more logos, more tips for working with clients, more insider stories, and more practical information for getting the job and getting it done right. In Logo Design Love, David shows you how to develop an iconic brand identity from start to finish, (…)
Título: The non-designer’s design book
Autor: Robin Williams
Cota: 7/72
Now in its fourth edition, The Non-Designer’s Design Book offers even more practical design advice, including a new chapter on the fundamentals of typography, more quizzes and exercises to train your Designer Eye, updated projects for you to try, and new visual and typographic examples to inspire your creativity.
Título: Graphic design : the new basics
Autor: Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips
Cota: 7/73
The revised and updated edition (…) include 16 additional pages, featuring new examples of student and professional work throughout the book, new chapters on Visualizing Data, Typography, Modes of Representation, and Gestalt Principles, as well as additional material for the chapters on Color, Herarchy, and Grids and expanded didactic material throughout.
Título: Marketing Relacional : como transformar a fidelização de clientes numa vantagem competitiva
Autor: Alzira Marques
Cota: 658.8/221
O livro adota uma abordagem simultaneamente didática e objetiva que o torna obrigatório para um amplo leque de utilizadores, (…). Os estudos de caso propostos ilustram bem o âmbito, a importância e os resultados suscetíveis de serem alcançados quando a empresa abandona uma abordagem transacional com os seus clientes e passa a adotar uma estratégia relacional.
Título: Relationship marketing : creating stakeholder value
Autor: Martin Christopher, Adrian Payne, David Ballantyne
Cota: 658.8/222
Relationship Marketing: Creating Stakeholder Value extends the analysis of the change in the marketing rationale from a crude concern for increased market share to a strategy aimed at creating long-term profitable relationships with targeted customers. Offering a cutting edge vision of relationship marketing, Relationship Marketing: Creating Stakeholder Value is a seminal text for all students and managers in the field.
Título: Crises de ameaças a oportunidades : gestão estratégica de comunicação de crises
Autor: Coord. António Marques Mendes e Francisco Costa Pereira
Cota: 658/214
A presente obra, (…) junta numa só publicação os contributos de vários especialistas que se têm vindo a debruçar sobre estas matérias. Depois de na primeira parte apresentar uma visão enquadradora sobre a gestão da comunicação de crises, apresenta, na segunda parte, diversos casos práticos (Coca-Cola Bélgica, Entre-os-Rios Portugal, etc.) que contemplam cronologias sobre os acontecimentos, análise das circunstâncias e reflexões sobre os desenvolvimentos verificados.
Título: Into the wild
Autor: Jon Krakauer
Cota: 82-992/7
Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild examines true story of Chris McCandless, a young man, who in 1992 walked deep into the Alaskan wilderness and whose SOS note and emaciated corpse were found four months later, internationally bestselling author Jon Krakauer explores the obsession which leads some people to explore the outer limits of self, leave civilization behind and seek enlightenment through solitude and contact with nature.
Título: Absolute stationery design : and integrated identity graphics
Autor: Sandu Cultural Media
Cota: 659.1/25
For most companies, there are many opportunities to reinforce their brand from business cards and letterhead, to websites, applications and promotional material. While the design of these artifacts of branding usually merit focused volumes of their own, the projects presented in Absolute Stationery Design represent campaigns that are so strong and cohesive that none of the individual parts need be removed.
Título: Marine microbiology : ecology and applications
Autor: Colin Munn
Cota: 574.5/25
Marine Microbiology brings together microbial biology and ecology to create an integrated approach that addresses environmental management, human health, and economic concerns. The Second Edition takes into account many new discoveries in the field (…)