Título: Microsoft word 2016 : step by step
Autor: Joan Lambert
Cota: 004.9/10
This is learning made easy. Get more done quickly with Word 2016. Jump in wherever you need answers–brisk lessons and colorful screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step. Get easy-to-follow guidance from a certified Microsoft Office Specialist Master Learn and practice new skills while working with sample content, or look up specific procedures.”

Título: Etiqueta no mundo empresarial : relacionamento profissional com ética
Autor: Vera Tânger
Cota: 39/16
Este livro é dedicado a todos aqueles que se preocupam com a etiqueta e o protocolo. Aprenda e siga as regras descritas neste livro utilíssimo e, em caso de dúvida, seja sempre gentil, sincero, atencioso e humano. (…) Etiqueta no Mundo Empresarial – Relacionamento Profissional com Ética, de Vera Tânger, é uma obra de consulta obrigatória para todos aqueles que querem singrar no mundo do trabalho e no universo empresarial.”

Título: Heads in beds : a reckless memoir of hotels, hustles, and so-called hospitality
Autor: Jacob Tomsky
Cota: 640.4/56
Heads in Beds is a funny, authentic, and irreverent chronicle of the highs and lows of hotel life, told by a keenly observant insider who’s seen it all. Prepare to be amused, shocked, and amazed as he spills the unwritten code of the bellhops, the antics that go on in the valet parking garage, the housekeeping department’s dirty little secrets—not to mention the shameless activities of the guests, who are rarely on their best behavior.” |

Título: Hotel housekeeping : operations and management
Autor: G. Raghubalan, Smritee Raghubalan
Cota: 640.4/57
“The third edition of Hotel Housekeeping continues to provide a comprehensive and lucid coverage of the subject. The book explores the key elements of housekeeping as also its theoretical foundations and techniques of operations: the structure and layout of the housekeeping department, housekeeping inventory, guest room layout and maintenance, flower arrangement, and interior decoration.”

Título: Spa : a comprehensive introduction
Autor: Elizabeth M. Johnson, Bridgette M. Redman
Cota: 640.4/58
A primeira obra de Pedro Costa é um perturbante filme sobre o drama de dois irmãos separados pela morte do pai. O mais velho vai para a cidade, onde se confronta com valores estranhos, e se deixa dominar pela angústia. Um filme marcado por ecos nocturnos e “fabulosos”, como o da viagem pelo rio dos dois irmãos de “Night of the Hunter” de Charles Laughton.

Título: Retail management for spas : the art & science of retail
Autor: ISPA Foundation
Cota: 640.4/59
“Retail Management for Spas explores the art and science of retail and proveds essential business information on retail strategies, planning, management and administration. It uses a variety of case studies, stories, learning activities and quizzes, which help illustrate the concepts and lessons being presented.” |

Título: Managing hospitality human resources
Autor: Robert Woods, Misty Johannson, Michael Sciarini
Cota: 640.4/60
“Hospitality is a people industry, and this textbook will teach readers how to manage the important human resources who provide services within a hospitality operation. They’ll learn how to fulfill the requirements of U.S. employment and workplace laws, and discover the latest strategies for attracting employees, minimizing turnover, and maximizing productivity. The new edition has been revised to reflect changing economic conditions and industry trends.” |

Título: Essential Financial Techniques for Hospitality Managers : a practical approach
Autor: Cathy Burgess
Cota: 640.4:658/39
“Essential Financial Techniques for Hospitality Managers: a practical approach is a user friendly and hands-on introduction to finance and accounting in the hospitality industry. A fully revised and updated second edition of the bestselling Guide to MoneyMatters for Hospitality Managers, it is a must-have companion for all managers and employees, and allows them to put their learning into practice to achieve immediate results.” |

Título: Managing front office operations
Autor: Michael L. Kasavana
Cota: 640.4:658/40
“Hospitality students and front office managers and staff members will learn how to organize, perform, and evaluate hotelfront office functions. Relationships between departments, technological advances, and front office tools are explained in chapters on areas such as reservations, front office accounting, and human resources. Although the book concentrates on many technical aspects of front office management, it also emphasizes the importance of guest service.” |

Título: Managing beverage operations
Autor: Ronald F. Cichy, Lendal H. Kotschevar
Cota: 640.4:658/41
“This textbook (formerly titled Managing Beverage Service) focuses on the successful elements of a beverage operation, based on research to identify those that are thriving. Discussions of leadership and supervision focus on the management and leadership practices specific to a beverage operation, including emotional intelligence and the importance of relationships, communication, recruitment and training, and motivation and performance reviews.” |

Título: Hospitality industry financial accounting with answer sheet
Autor: Raymond S. Schmidgall, James W. Damitio
Cota: 657.05:640.4/34
“This textbook presents basic financial accounting concepts and shows your students how they apply to the hospitality industry. This revised edition incorporates the most recent formats, information, and schedules from the newly-published Uniform Systems of Accounts for the Lodging Industry, Tenth Revised Edition. Each chapter also includes five new problems to give students practice using accounting information.” |

Título: Uniform system of financial reporting for spas
Autor: American Hotel & Lodging Association
Cota: 657.05:640.4/35
This definitive guide for accounting principles was created by the ISPA Foundation in a collaborative effort with author Raymond Schmidgall, Ph.D., the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute, and Hospitality Financial & Technology Professionals. Specifically designed for spas, it provides a financial reporting system that will allow operators to measure, compare, and report on the financial health of their business. The flexibility of the system allows spas of any size to enjoy success from implementation.” |

Título: Marketing de relacionamento : tecnologia, processos e pessoas
Autor: Luiz Claudio Zenone
Cota: 658.8/230
“O enfoque principal desta obra é a aplicação de ferramentas voltadas ao atendimento e ao relacionamento com o cliente, que permitem que as organizações experimentem cada vez mais estratégias de marketing e vendas com resultados para o negócio significativos. A obra se propõe a apresentar um arcabouço teórico sobre o tema Marketing de Relacionamento, apresentando conceitos e incorporando uma visão estratégica e sistêmica do processo de relacionamento com o mercado.” |

Título: O vinho
Autor: Pascal Ribéreau Gayon
Cota: 663.2/37
“Descubra as peculiaridades e segredos que se ocultam sob a capa dos rótulos famosos, segredos já não mais transmitidos de druida em druida, mas de professor a aluno. Das qualidades do solo até ao engarrafamento, passando pelas transformações químicas e microbiológicas da fermentação e de todo o processo de vinificação, esta magnífica obra destaca-se pela informação séria e útil.” |

Título: Bienvenidos : curso de español : libro del alumno, nivel 1
Autor: Margarita Goded, Raquel Varela, Ana Hermoso
Cota: 811.134.2/14
“Bienvenidos es un novedoso curso de español para jóvenes y adultos que estudien en escuelas o universidades de Turismo / Hostelería, o para adultos que quieren aprender un poco de español para viajar a España o a América Latina. Contiene el audio para la clase.” |

Título: Bienvenidos : curso de español : libro del alumno, nivel 2
Autor: Margarita Goded, Raquel Varela, Ana Hermoso
Cota: 811.134.2/15
“Bienvenidos es un novedoso curso de español para jóvenes y adultos que estudien en escuelas o universidades de Turismo / Hostelería, o para adultos que quieren aprender un poco de español para viajar a España o a América Latina.” |

Título: Bienvenidos : cuaderno de actividades, nivel 1
Autor: Lucía Antolín, Margarita Goded, Raquel Varela
Cota: 811.134.2/16
“Bienvenidos es un novedoso curso de español para jóvenes y adultos que estudien en escuelas o universidades de Turismo / Hostelería, o para adultos que quieren aprender un poco de español para viajar a España o a América Latina.” |